Spectre Guarantee Terms and Conditions.

Last Updated: 02/08/24

Spectre guarantees the delivery of sales instructions within the first 12 months of your contract, based on the number of postcode sectors subscribed to:

  • 6 sectors: 3 instructions
  • 10 sectors: 6 instructions
  • 15 sectors: 9 instructions
  • 20 sectors: 12 instructions

If you do not achieve the guaranteed number of sales instructions by the end of the contract, your subscription will be free until the guaranteed level is met.

Conditions for Eligibility

  1. Product Usage
    Trigger letters and 20:20 Campaigns: Must be used at least 80% during the initial term. Usage is calculated by the number of letters sent as a percentage of total possible letters. Usage reports are available on request. 
    All campaigns must use Spectre’s print and post services to ensure contact tracking.
  2. Triggers
    A minimum of 8 on-market triggers must be active at all times.
  3. 20:20 Campaigns
    Spectre A.I. must be used for all 20:20 campaigns.
    Off-market targeting must target a minimum of 50 off-market properties.
    On-market campaigns must cover a minimum radius of 500 metres.
  4. Existing customers
    Existing customers can access the guarantee by signing a new minimum 12 month contract.

Definition of success

A Spectre success (instruction) is defined as a property that has received one or more pieces of Spectre Direct Mail and subsequently instructed you, the agent, to list the property. Spectre Successes are split into three categories:

  • Influenced (Contact within last 6 months) 
  • Contributed (last contact within 6 - 12 months) 
  • Supported (last contact 12+ months)

Where Spectre detects a success, this will be counted towards your overall guarantee of instructions. A success report will be available in your Spectre account. Each Influenced and Contributed success contributes to your guaranteed instruction count. If your total successes exceed the guaranteed minimum within the first 12 months, you will not qualify for the free subscription offer. 

On the rare occasion we have identified an instruction but not the property number, we may request you to complete the house number field in order to verify successes.

Changes in Postcode Sectors

If postcode sectors are reduced during the 12-month period, the Spectre Guarantee will be void.

Minimum Term

The minimum contract term is 1 year.

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