Make past purchasers your easiest source of new instructions.

Spectre Anniversaries (previously automatically keeps in touch with your past purchasers on the anniversary of their purchase with a beautifully designed bespoke property report.

On average, only 13.8% of people sell through the agent they purchased from.

Relationships that really pay off

Over 60% of homeowners surveyed could not recall the Estate Agent they purchased their property from after 4 years*. Which is exactly what your competitors rely on. With Anniversaries, that problem is solved.

Fully-automated prospecting

Repeat business

Bespoke property reports

Estimated valuations that lead to real valuations

Marketing they'll want to receive.

Bespoke property reports, specific to their property, automatically sent on the anniversary of their purchase every year.

Don't let your competitors get a look in.

Pique their interest with an estimated valuation for their property, then convert it to a real one.

Repeat business.

Whether you're sending it by post, printing off for a valuation, or attaching it to an email, you can generate a bespoke property report in seconds.

Say hello to Spectre Anniversaries.

For more information contact us at or call us on 0161 464 5730.

Reconnect with your past purchasers

Request a Spectre demo today!

Agent Software Ltd.

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M1 1JU

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