Date posted:

August 22, 2022


Ben Brown

Table of contents

Spectre Development Update: August 2022

With summer almost over as quickly as it started, we can’t believe the August bank holiday is just around the corner! While we make plans for another 3-day weekend, we wanted to share with you the latest and greatest from Spectre HQ - so you can get back to prospecting harder than ever next Tuesday!

New merge fields

We’ve added a host of new merge fields into our letters, so you can make your prospecting materials even more personalised and secure even more instructions.

  • [[agent_name]], [[agent_contact_name]], and [[agent_number]] for all sales/lettings/postcards. These make it easy to refer to a single person, rather than generic branch contact details, and are great for large multi-branch agents who want to set centralised templates that don’t need editing for each account.
  • [[weeks_to_sale]] for sales 20:20 letters/postcards. This brings in the number of weeks it took the agent to sell the nearby property and works as a great addition for a more targeted sold-in-your-area approach.
  • [[weeks_on_market]] and [[months_on_market]] which include how many weeks/months the property has been on the market - particularly useful for one-off campaigns, and reduction/withdrawal triggers.
  • A variety of account merge fields designed exclusively for Spectre Anniversaries like [[branch_name]], [[branch_contact_numer]], and [[branch_email_address]].

View how many letters an agent has sent per branch in our new smart report

We’ve added another new smart report for sales and lettings!...  Our new report breaks down how many regular letters (eg. 4 weeks on the market letters) an agent has sent in each of their branches over a given period - great for keeping track of how your agency is using Spectre and adjusting your marketing strategy to more accurately measure performance.

Additional details on our Property Page

Last month, we told you about our brand new property page that showed agents everything they needed to know about their property. Since then, we’ve added some extras like more information about expired title deeds, and multiple property images instead of just one main photo. Now agents truly do have everything they need on one page!

It’s been another strong month at Spectre HQ, and we’re excited to round off our Summer’s worth of developments with these fantastic new additions.

Find out what all the fuss is about!

Get in contact with one of our representatives and we will arrange a demo of Spectre for you.

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